Web Design Company in Birmingham UK | Mr Coder

Project Requirements

Explore the essential details what we need to begin crafting your website. Your detailed input ensures a customized approach to building your online presence.

What We Need to Get Started?

1. Login Info for Domain/cPanel/Hosting/Wp-admin/FTP:

  • Domain registrar login
  • cPanel login
  • Hosting provider login
  • WordPress admin login
  • FTP login

2. Website Logo (If Available), Images, or Product Images:

  • Logo file(s)
  • Images for the website
  • Product images

3. Primary & Secondary Color:

  • Primary color code
  • Secondary color code

4. Website Content:

  • Title: Main title of your website
  • Short Description: Brief description of your website or business
  • About Us: Information about your business, history, mission, and vision
  • Services: Details about the services you offer
  • Contact Information: Including Email, Phone number, WhatsApp number and Full Address.
  • Products Details: Descriptions and specifications of the products you offer and others.

5. Social Media Links:

  • Links to your social media profiles

6. Competitor Website:

  • If you have any preferred competitor website, please provide the link to that website.

7. Testimonials and Reviews(If have):

  • Existing testimonials
  • Reviews to feature on the website

8. Case Studies or Portfolio Items(If have):

  • Details of past projects
  • Case studies

9. Legal Requirements:

    • Privacy policies
    • Terms and conditions
    • Cookie policies
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